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History of historic Rindge, NH

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1. History of Cheshire and Sullivan Counties, New Hampshire
Philadelphia: J.W. Lewis & Co., 1886, 1073 pgs.
2. Gazetteer of Cheshire County, N.H., 1736-1885 by Hamilton Child,
Syracuse, N.Y.: H. Child, 1885, 882 pgs.

page --- & 361

RINDGE lies in the southeastern corner of of the county, in lat.
42 degrees, 45', and long 5 degrees 1'.  It is thomboidal in outline,
its boundaries inclining about 2 degrees east of north, and twelve
degress north of west, bounded north, 1,898 rods by Jaffrey, and
513 rods by Sharon; east, 1,694 rods, by New Ipswich; south by
Ashburnham and Winchendon, Mass; and west, 1,730 rods, by Fitzwilliam.

The town was originally granted by Massachusetts, about 1730, to a
part of the soldiers, or their heirs, who went out in an expedition
to Canada, in 1690, the grantees being sixty in number.  It was
surveyed by Nathan Haywood in 1738, and was bounded so as to contain
a tract of land equivalent to six miles square, laid out in the
following form:-- (see later)
 It included a part of Jaffrey and Sharon on the north, which was a
broken line, and did not extend on the south to the State line,
as subsequently established.  In this survey an allowance of 10,000
acres was made for "ten large ponds," and for "a large shrub swamp,"
which at present is familiarly known as "Tophet swamp."  This low
ground was included in Rowley Canada as bounded by this survey,
but now constitutes a part of Sharon.  The name was given for the
reason that a number of soldiers who went to Canada were from Rowley,
hence Rowley Canada.  A few settlers located here under this charter,
and the township was laid out and allotted.  The establishment of the
boundary line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire, in 1741,
however, threw the whole of the territory within the bounds of New
Hampshire, and hence gave the Masonian grantees undisputed
possession of the land.  Accordinly, a tract nearly identical with
that of Rowley Canada was granted by them, February 14, 1749* to
Solomon Stewart and forty-two other grantees, fifteen of whom were
residents of Lunenburg, Mass.  [*This date should really be 1750, for
until 1752, the civil year began on the 25th of March, while the
historic year began on the 1st of January]. This grant was given the
name of Southern Monadnock, or Monadnock No. 1.  This township was
surveyed, allotted and the lots drawn in 1750.  This change of
charters, and consequent clashing of land titles, proved exceedingly
detrimental to the settlement of the territory.  Finally, however,
February 11, 1768, a confirmatory charter was received from
Massachusetts, under which the town was legally incorporated,
with the name of Rindge, given in honor of Daniel Rindge, who was then
an active member of the Provincial council.  In this charter, the
township is bounded as follows:--
 "Beginning at the southwest corner of New Ipswich, then running on
 the Province line west 10 degrees north seven miles, to the
 southwest corner of No. 4 [Fitzwilliam]; thence running north by
 the needle by No. 4 aforesaid five miles; thence east 10 degrees
 south seven miles to New Ipswich; and thence south by the needle
 by New Ipswich, to the bounds began at."
According to the bound thus defined, the town would contain an area
of 22,060 acres.  If each corner had been a right-nagle, the area
would have been thirty-five square miles, or 22,400 acres. As it is,
however, the area is very near 24,000, or as Merrill's Gazetter of
1817 gives it, 23,838 acres, about one-sixth of which is covered with

THe surface of the town is hilly, though its elevations are scattering
and mound-like in appearance, with no prominent elevations. These
hills, with no abrupt or broken outlines, are nearly all fertile to
their very summits.  The peculiarity of this formation renders the
town remarkable as having its wild land and forests in the valleys
and its cultivated farms upon the hills.  The town is well watered,
indeed remarkably so.  The water-sheds between the Connecticut and
the Merrimac [sic Merrimack] divided the town into nearly equal parts,
the ridge being so clearly defined that the water from the eaves
from several of the dwellings in the town, flows from the one side into
the Connecticut, and from the other into the Merrimac.  Miller's and
Contoocook rivers both have their source here.  The northern slope is
drained by Long pond, the head of the Contoocook.  The southern slope
is mostly drained by Monomonock lake, the head of Miller's river.
The town also has, inclusive of reservoirs, thirteen ponds.  The
largest of these, Monomonock lake, lies in the southern part, partly
in Winchendon, and has an area of about 2,600 acres.  Emerson pond,
in the northern part, is another fine sheet, closed in the embrace of
surrounding hills.  The principal of the others are, Smith, Tortoise,
Pearley, Mud, Pecker, Long, Pool, Grassy, Bullet, Hubbard and Little
Hubbard ponds, though there are several other artificial reservoirs.
Fish abound in nearly all of them.  The prevailing rock is granite,
though abounding more in the form of bowlders than ledges. Fine
specimens of quartz crystals are found.  The Monadnock railroad
passes through the western part of the town, with a station at West

In 1880 RIndge had a population of 936 souls.  In 1884 the town had
ten school districts and ten public schools, one of which was graded.
Its ten school-houses, including sites, furniture, etc. was valued
at $10,100. There are 163 pupils attending school, fifty of whom were
studying the higher branches, taught by two male and eleven female
teachers, the former at an average monthly salary of $45.00 and the
latter $24.65.  The entire amount of revenue for the year was
$1,850.00 while the entire expenditure was $1,585.00 with Jason S.
Perry, superintendent.

RINDGE is a handsome post village, located in the central part of the
town. Its fine, healthful location, the beautiful scenery which
surrounds it, and good fishing afforded, have rendered it exceedingly
popular with city people and summer tourists.  It has one church
(Congregational), a fine hotel, school-house, two stores, three
blacksmith shops, and about thirty dwellings.

WEST RINDGE (p.o.) a hamlet located in the western part of the town,
on the Monadnock railroad, has one church (Methodist Episcopal), four
wooden-ware manufactories, one store and about twenty dwellings.

EAST RINDGE (p.o.) is a hamlet in the eastern part of the town. It
has a public library containing a thousand volumes, two box factories,
saw-mill, etc., and about twenty-five dwellings.

RINDGE HOTEL, located at Rindge village, A.G. Sherman, proprietor, is
a fine hotel in every respect, and is well patronized by the
traveling public and summer boarders from Boston and other cities.
It is distant only two miles from the railway station at West Rindge,
and is sixty miles from Boston.

THE UNION BOX AND LUMBER CO., located at East Rindge, was organized
in 1870. This style is still retained, though Joel Wellington has
been sole proprietor for the past five years. He cuts 2,000 cords of
logs per year, and manufactures all kinds of boxes.  In connection
with the works are a blacksmith shop, ten tenement houses, and a
general store.

built by S. Metcalf, about 1840. They manufacture about $5,000
worth of goods per year.

ABRAM M. WHITE'S WOODEN-WARE WORKS, at West Rindge, were built by a
Mr. Whitney in 1874. He has facilities for manufacturing $12,000
worth of goods per annum.

O.D. CONVERSE'S GRIST AND SAW-MILL, located on road 35, was built by
Z. & O.D. Converse in 1862.  He manufactures staves for pails and
wooden-ware, with capacity for turning out 300,000 feet per year,
and does custom grinding.

J.C. TOWNE & SON'S SAW-MILL, located in the northern part of the town,
was built in 1828.  They employ six men and saw 100,000 feet per annum.
They are also extensively engaged in the lumber and wood trade.

manufactures knife-trays, bowls, mortars, etc.

AARON S. SAWTELLE'S WOODEN-WARE SHOP, at West Rindge, was built by
Enos Blake in 1818.

JOHN A. WHITE'S SAW MILL, on road 23, turns out about 75,000 eet of
lumber per year.

LORENZO G. METCALF'S SAW-MILL, on road 23, was built by Levi and Dennis
Howe, about fifty years ago. It has the capacity for turning out
1,000,000 feet of lumber per year.

THE EAGLE BOX CO'S BUSINESS at East Rindge, was established by Henry
Russell, about forty years ago, and was continued through various
changes until July 1884 when the buildings were destroyed by fire.
M.W. & M.E. Woods then purchased the property and erected the present
buildings in September.  They employ sixteen hands, and manufacture
200 cords of lumber per annum into fig, nest, berry, and grease boxes,

incorporated under the laws of the state of New Hampshire in 1884.
The objects of this comopany are the development of mediumship and
the promulgation of the doctrines and facts of modern spiritualism,
and to provide summer homes for spiritualists.  The grounds are
located on the Rindge and Jaffrey road and were formerly known as the
Garnder farm, upon the banks of lake Sunshine, formerly known as
Long pond.  The first meeting opened June 21, 1885, and continued for
four weeks.  The best talent upon the spiritual platform has been
engaged, a fine speaker's stand and auditorium with seats for
1,000 persons erected.  The new but wide spread organization known
as the National Developing Circle of the United States of North
America have erected a fine temple upon the ground and quite a large
number of cottages have been and are being erected by members of the
company.  The avenues upon the ground run due east and west and north
and south.  Lots 35x70 feet have been staked out and about 100 have
been sold to persons from Boston. The officers of the company are as
follows: Dr. James A. Bliss, president; Mrs. James A. Bliss,
vice-president; Dr. W.H. Gordon, clerk; F.B. Robbins, treasurer;
Mrs. G.D. Davenport Stevens, corresponding secretary; all of Boston,

THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, located at RIndge village, was
organized in 1765, Rev. Seth Dean being the first pastor. Their
church building, begun in 1764, did service until 1797, when the
present building was erected, on the same site.  This building was
re-modeled in 1839, and again in 1871, so that it will now seat 500
persons, and is valued at $6,000.  Rev. Seth Payson, D.D., the
second pastor, was ordained December 4, 1782 and died February 26,
1820.  Rev. Amos Wood Burnham, D.D. was ordained November 14, 1821,
and resigned November 14, 1867, after a long and successful pastorate
of forty-six years.  His widow now resides with her daughter,
Mrs. A.B. Haywood of Keene.  Rev. Frank Gray Clark was installed
June 3, 1873 and resigned November 30, 1878. Rev. Ezra J. Riggs
was ordained and installed July 10, 1879, and resigned September 30,
1882. The present acting pastor is Rev. Richard T. Wilton, the
society having 197 members, there being 169 families included in the
parish.  The church has also a flourishing Sabbath-school with 200

THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, located at West Rindge, was organized
by a council of fourteen persons, with thirty members, in 1827.
Their church building, erected in 1850, was removed from Rindge in
1881. It will seat 200 persons, and is value at $2,500.  The society
has fifty-nine members, with Rev. Arthur W.L. Nelson, pastor.

The first attempt towards the settlement of the town was made by
ABEL PLATTS as early as 1742.  EZEKIEL JEWETT was here at an early
date, and built a house here previous to 1753. It is probable that a
few other families had temporary settlements here under the first
charter; but the subsequent land title troubles and fear of the
Indians drove them all off.  ABEL PLATTS resided alternately in
Rowley Canada and Lunenburg until 1751 or 1752, after which he was a
permanent settlers here.  He first settled upon the farm now owned
by Martin L. Goddard.  This farm, with many acres adjoining, he gave
to his son JOSEPH previous to 1752, and commenced another clearing,
and built a house a short distance north of Pool pond.  His son, ABEL,
born in 1738 remained with him until his death, and received, by
bequest, the farm on which he last resided.  JOSEPH PLATTS married
in 1752, and then became a permanent settler.
 EZEKIEL JEWETT settled, about 1752, upon the farm now owned by
Dr. C.E. Ware, where he resided until his death.  JOEL RUSSELL,
from Littleton, came with his wife and five children in 1752, locating
in the northwestern part of the town.  After several changes he
finally settled upon the farm for many years owned by Benjamin
Hastings.  His son SILAS JEWETT was married previous to 1767.
 Among the other early settlers were STEPHEN AND JONATHAN JEWETT,
Lunenburg, WILLIAM CARLTON and JOHN LILLY, all of whom were here
previous to 1759.  During the latter year the first road was laid out,
and the first preaching enjoyed, and during the summer of the following
year, 1760, the first saw-mill was built, by the proprietors.  In
1764 the first meeting house was raised, and in the meantime settlers
kept coming in slowly.  Three years later, in 1767, a census of the
town was taken, showing 298 residents [the details of this census,
contained in the original document, is not included here, and no
names are mentioned, only statistics in that document].

On the 11th of February 1768, the town was incorporated, as previously
stated, and on the 17th of the following March the first town meeting
was held, at the meeting-house, when the following officers were
elected: Enoch Hale, moderator; Nathaniel Russell, town clerk;
Nathaniel Russell, William Carlton and Henry Goddin, selectmen;
Nathaniel Hale, constable; Henry Coffeen, treasurer; Aaron Taylor
and John Coffeen, tythingmen; Samuel Sherwin and Page Norcross,
fence viewers; Joseph Worster and Abel Stone, haywards and field
drivers; Jacob Gould, Benjamin Davis, Joseph Worster and
Jonathan Parker Jr., surveyors of highways; and Enoch Hale, pound
keeper.  By these proceedings the administration of the proprietors
ended.  No other business was transacted.

The first saw-mill, as previously mentioned, was built by the
proprietors in 1760, ABIJAH SMITH doing the work. It stood near the
outlet of Grassy pond. The first grist-mill was built by JOHN
HOPKINSON in 1762, upon the site now occupied by the mill of O.D.
Converse. The first tannery was built by BENJAMIN BANCROFT, who
came from Groton, Mass in 1773.  This was located a short distance
east of the present residence of Colonel Stearns.  DR. DAVID MORSE,
who came here in 1768, was the first physician.  The first store was
kept by. COL. NATHAN HALE in 1772. The postoffice was established
at Rindge April 26, 1815 and CAPT. MOSES TODD was the first
postmaster.  The first justice of the  peace was ENOCH HALE, who
recieved his commission in 1768

In the Revolutionary struggle, Rindge was unusually active, sending
out a company of fifty-four men at the first sound of battle in
1773.  During the war she sent out several hundred men (including
re-enlistments), and spent, for those times, a large amount of money
in the cause.  Rindge furnished two regimental commanders, viz.,
COL. ENOCH HALE, born in Rowley, November 28, 1733, a veteran of the
French War, who was in public positions for many years, and died in
Grafton, Vt. April 9 1813; and COL. NATHAN HALE, born September 23,
1743, who was in the service from the breaking out of the Revolutionary
War until he died a prisoner in the hands of the enemy, at Long
Island, September 23, 1780. He was promoted for meritorious services
to the rank of Colonel.
 Payroll of the men that went to Cambridge in Captain Nathan Hale's
company at the time of the Lexington fight, April ye 19, 1775:
[amount paid not included, but found in original document]:
Nathan Hale, captain; Francis Towne, lieutenant; Daniel Rand, ensign;
James Crumbie, clerk; Page Norcross, sergeant; Samuel Stanley,
sergeant; James Streeter, sergeant; Abel Stone, corporal; Benjamin
Davis, corporal; Samuel Stone, corporal; Ezekiel Rand, drummer;
Daniel Lake Jr., drummer; Leme Page, fifer; Privates: John Hanaford,
Daniel Russell, Nathaniel Ingalls, Nehemiah Towne, Jonathan Putnam,
Samuel Russell, Jeremiah Norcross, Joel Russell, John Buswell,
Simeon Ingalls, Samuel Parker, Joseph Platts, Asa Brocklebank,
Samuel Tarbell, Reuben Page, Abel Platts Jr., Samuel Page,
John Demary Jr., Joseph Stanley, Aaron Easty, William Carlton,
James Cutter, Simon Davis, John Emory, Enos Lake, Jeremiah Russell,
David Robbins, Nathaniel Thomas, Oliver Bacon, Abraham Wetherbee,
Benjamin Carlton, Nathaniel Russell, Jonathan Lovejoy, Joseph Wilson,
Solomon Rand, Daniel Lake, Edward Jewett, Elisha Perkins, Ezekiel
Larned, Isaac Wood, and Joseph Carlton.  This company marched to
Cambridge. Seventeen returned after four days' service, and thirty-
seven remained seventeen days.
 Pay-roll of Captain Philip Thomas' company, in Colonel James Read's
regiment, to August 1, 1775. Time of entry, April 23, 1775, from a
paylist, those marked (*) are from towns other than Rindge:
Philip Thomas, Rindge, captain; John Harper*, lieutenant; Ezekiel
Rand, Rindge, second lieutenant; Benj. Davis, sergeant; Ezekiel
Learned, sergeant; Simon Davis, sergeant; Jacob Peirce*, sergeant;
John Demary, corporal; Simeon Ingalls, corporal; Jeremiah Russell,
corporal; Privates; Benjamin Lovering, Godfrey Richardson*,
Jacob Hobbs, John Thomson, Thomas Hutchinson, Hezekiah Wetherbee,
Caleb Winn, James Coffering*, Benjamin Beals, Daniel Lake, drummer;
Leme Page, fifer; Thomas Emory, Daniel Russell, Obediah Marsh,
Ezekiel Demary, Enos Lake, Reuben Page, Samuel Parker, Timothy
Rogers*, Ebenezer Ingalls, Joseph Wright*, Stephen Adams*, Joel
Russell, Thomas Henderson, Benjamin Parker, John Dole*, Peter Webster,
Dudley Griffin*, Benjamin Dole*, Isaac Leland, Richard Alexander*,
Nehemiah Porter, Hugh Gregg, David Hale, David Davis, Henry Davis*,
Jonathan Lovejoy, George Carlton, Isaac Adams, Benjamin Burley,
Simeon Whitcomb, Alexander Douglass*.
 The following are the articles lost, and the amount paid to the
several men, in behalf of the colony, by Timothy Walker Jr., the
same person who formerly supplied the pulpit in this town [payment
amount not included, but found in the original document]:
Lieut. John Harper, Ens. Ezekiel Rand, Benjamin Davis, Benja
Lovering, Daniel Lake, Leme Page, Ezekiel Larned, Jacob Pierce,
Simon Davis, John Demerry, Simon Ingolls, Jeremiah Russell,
Obadiah Marsh, Benja Beals, Joel Russell, Dudley Griffin, Thomas
Emery, Hugh Gregg, Ezekiel Demerry, Benja Dole, Reuben Page,
Timothy Rogers, Richard Alexander, Caleb Winn, David Davis,
Henry Davis, Nehemiah Porter, Peter Webster, Benja Parker,
THomas Henderson, John Thompson, David Hale, Isaac Adams,
George Carlton, Jonathan Lovejoy, and James Coffering.
 A list of commissioned officers include:
 Solomon Cutler, lieutenant 1775; captain 1777
 James Crumbie, lieutenant 1776
 Daniel Rand, ensign 1775; lieutenant 1776; captain 1778
 Francis Towne, lieutenant 1776; captain 1776
 Ebenezer Chaplin, ensign 1776
 Abel Stones, ensign 1777
 Page Norcross, lieutenant 1777
 Salmon Stone, ensign 1777; captain 1777
 Ebenezer Davis, lieutenant 1778
 Benjamin Davis, ensign 1778
 Jacob Gould, lieutenant 1778
 Ezekiel Rand, ensign 1878 [sic 1778]
 Asa Sherwin, captain 1778
 Othniel Thomas, lieutenant 1777; captain 1782
 Isaac Wood, ensign 1779
 Daniel Adams, ensign 1880 [sic 17??]
 Ebenezer Fitch, lieutenant, 1880 [sic 17??]
 Benjamin Foster, lieutenant 1779
 Nathaniel Thomas, lieutenant 1779
 John Stanley, lieutenant 1777
 Samuel Tarbell, lieutenant 1779
 John Ellis, ensign 1782

At the annual meeting on the 21st day of March, Jonathan Sherwin,
Edward Jewett, Abel Stone, Francis Towne and Daniel Rand were
chosen "a committee of inspection and correspondence." The first
three were also selectmen for the year. Two of the committee having
provded their efficient service in raising men and joining the
forces in the field, and a third being absent a portion of the time
in another line of duty, "a new committee of inspection, safety and
correspondence" was chosen in September, consisting of Lieutenant
Ebenezer Chaplin, Mr. Nathaniel Russell, Mr. Page Norcross,
Lieutenant James Crumbie and Mr. Jonathan Sawtell.

ASSOCIATION TEST--The following signed the association test:
Abraham Wetherbee, James Streeter, Jeremiah Towne, Samuel Paige Jr.,
William Carlton, Jacob Gould, Nehemiah Towne, Caleb Huston,
Benjamin Bancroft, David Robbins, Enoch Hale, John Thomson, Seth Dean,
Eleazer Coffeen, Edward Jewett, Benjamin Newman, Jonathan Sherwin,
Nehemiah Porter, Wm. Russell, Reuben Page, Jacob Hobbs, John Lovejoy,
John Dean, Solomon WHitney, Salmon Stone, William Robbins,
John Handsome, Samuel Page, James Crumbie, John Eills, Eliakim
Darling, Samuel Tarbell, Nathaniel Page, Jehosaphat Grout,
Solomon Cutler, Othniel Thomas, John Demary, Daniel Lake,
John Hannaford, Jonathan Towne Jr., John Page, Samuel Sherwin,
John Townsend, Richard Kimball, Ebenezer Locke, Benjamin Peirce,
Jeremiah Chapman, Samuel Whiting, Nathaniel Russell, Oliver Stevens,
John Simonds, Isaac Wood, Amasa Turner, Joseph Platts, Nathan Hubbard,
Zebulon Convers, Abel Stone, Simon Davis, John Whitaker,
Jonathan Putnam, James Wood, Benjamin Lovering, Ebenezer Chaplin,
Ebenezer Shaw, James Cutter, Abel Platts, John Emery, Benjamin Gould,
Solomon Rand, Elisha Perkins, Joseph Stanley, Page Norcross,
Jonathan Sawtell, Aaron Esty, John Sherwin, Richard Kimball Jr.,
Paul Fitch, Stephen Jewett, James Philbrick, Israel Adams Jr.,
John Wetherbee, Nathaniel Thomas, Ebenezer Davis, Jonathan Ball,
Daniel Rand, Nehemiah Bowers, Jeremiah Russell, Francis Towne,
Joshua Webster, Moses Hale, Benjamin Carlton, Richard Davis,
Samuel Stanley, Deliverance Wilson, Henry Godding, Elijah Rice,
Joel Russell Junr, John Gray, Daniel Davis, Gilver Gould,
Jonathan Ingalls, Ichabod Thomson, Caleb Winn, Jepthah Richardson,
Samuel Walker, Barnabas Cary, Ezekiel Learned, John Lovejoy Jr.,
Daniel Russell, John Buswell, Jeremiah Norcross, Abel Platts Jr.,
David Hale, Timothy Wood, Richard Tompson, Simon Davis Jr.,
Amos Davis, Abel Perkins, George Lake, Ezekiel Rand, James Carlton,
Jonathan Towne, Jeduthan Stanley, Israel Adams, Nathaniel Ingalls,
Jabez Norcross, Samuel Russell, Joel Russell, William Davis,
Jonathan Parker Jr., John Fitch, Thomas Hutchinson, Randall Davis,
Daniel Grag [? sic Gregg], Joshua Tyler, Samuel Parker, Benjamin
Moore, Ezekiel Jewett, Daniel Adams, Henry Smith, David Adams,
Levi Mansfield, Samuel Adams, Asa Tyler, Jonathan Parker, Samuel
Adams, Simeon Ingalls, and Abijah Haskell.  This paper is one of
uncommon interest. Besides preserving the names of many residents
of the town, it makes known that there were no disloyal or timid
men who failed to respond to the test of their patriotism. The
proud fact is here recorded, "they have all signed," and no comment
can render more intelligible this expression of the sentiment of
the town on the vital issues of the time.  In addition to the names
enrolled on this pledge, there were forty-five men in the service
who were not permitted to join their townsmen in signing the test.
A few of this number, however, were less than twenty-one years of
age and would not have been requested to sign the paper if they had
remained at home...
 During this same year there were 45 enlisted, but the company rolls
containing their names have not been discovered and only a part of
their names can be given.  The list includes: Major (and later in the
year Lieutenant-Colonel) Nathan Hale Captain Philip Thomas,
Ezekiel Demary, Daniel Lake Jr., Benjamin Beals, Isaac Leland,
Benjamin Davis, Joseph Wilson, Daniel McCarr, Amos Ingalls,
Asa Brocklebank, John Demary Jr., Josiah Ingalls Jr., Ebenezer Muzzey,
Thomas Emery, Obadiah Marsh, David Davis, Benjamin Burley,
Benjamin Parker, Asa Wilkins, Ebenezer Ingalls, Jonathan Sawtell Jr.,
Ebenezer Newman William Davis, and several others.. After remaining
several months with the army near Lake Champlain, they joined the
army under Washington in Pennsylvania.
 In July of this year, Colonel Isaac Wyman's regiment of New Hampshire
militia were raised to reinforce the army in Canada, but joined the
Northern Army, then commanded by General Gates, General Sullivan
having made his successful retreat with the broken army of
General Montgomery before their arrival.  This regiment remained in
the vicinity of Ticonderoga about five months, and suffered much
from sickness.  Captain Joseph Parker commanded the Eighth Company
in this regiment, of which Daniel Rand, of Rindge was first
lieutenant.  The roll contains fifteen men from this town, including
one officer: Capt. Daniel Rand, Abel Jewett, William Russell,
John Handsome, Samuel Parker, JEremiah Russell, Reuben page,
Peter Thompson, David Hale, Thomas Emery, John Simonds, Peter Webster,
George Clark, John Townsend, and John Stanley.
 In September, Colonel Nahum Baldwin's regiment was raised to
reinforce the army in New York.  James Crumbie was lieutenant in
Third Company, which contained fourteen other men from this town,
as follows: Benjamin Carlton, Lemuel Page, Jonathan Ingalls,
Jonathan Ball, Caleb Page, Nathaniel Thomas, Francis Towne,
James Wood, Solomon Rand, Nehemiah Towne, John Pge, Samuel Chaplin,
Caleb Huston, and Richard THompson.  This regiment remained with
the army, under the immediate command of General Washington, and
vicinity of New York, until late in the autumn, or the first of
December.  November 5, 1776, Caleb Huston died at Quaker Ridges,
in the state of New York, leaving a wife and six children, who
resided in the town many years.  This company was commanded by
Captain Abijah Smith, a resident of New Ipswich. He was the carpenter
employed to build the first saw-mill in this town in 1760.
 Early in December, still another regiment of NH Militia, commanded
by Colonel David Gilman, was sent to reinforce disheartened army under
General Washington.  Francis Towne, of Rindge, was captain of the
First Company, and Nathaniel Thomas is the only familiar name found
upon the roll.  They, in connection with the forty-five men who had
enlisted for the year, did good service for their country,
participating in the triumph over the Hessians at Trenton, and in
the memorable battle of Princeton.  Although poorly clad and suffering
from the cold of winter, they remained with the army several weeks
after their term of enlistment had expired.
November 8th, John Martin enlisted "for during the war" in a company
of rangers, commanded by Captain Benjamin Whitcomb, which was raised
for the defense of the northern frontiers.  Martin was in this
service in 1781, and probably remained until the close of the war.
 In April 1777, RIndge returned sixteen men in Blodgett's company,
Colonel Hale's regiment.  Nine of them were--Isaac Leland,
John Handsome, Oliver Bacon, Daniel Russell, Samuel Godding,
Abijah Haskell, Samuel Whiting THomas Hutchinson and Daniel McCarr.
 In Cloye's company, Hale's regiment were:-- William Kendall,
Jonathan Lake, David Brooks, Snow Boynton, along with Enoch Dockman
in Drew's company; Ezekiel Demary in Carr's company, and Moses Thomas
in the Bay State service.
 A company of 51 men, under Captain Josiah Brown, of New Ipswich,
was raised in this vicinity. Lieutenant Asa Sherwin, of RIndge, was
second in command.  The company was joined to Colonel Samuel Ashley's
regiment and May 6th marched for Ticonderoga, where they remained
until all fears of an immediate attack were quieted, when they were
ordered home and discharged June 21st, after an absence of six
weeks.  The men from Rindge in this service, fourteen in number,
were as follows: Jonathan Ingalls, orderly sergeant; Asa Sherwin,
first lieutenant; privates: Daniel Adams, Samuel Adams, Moses Chaplin,
Samuel Chaplin, John Emery, Moses Hale, Amos Ingalls, Jonathan Parker,
Abel Platts, Joseph Stanley, William Thompson, and Peter Webster.
 Pay-roll of part of Colonel Enoch Hale's regiment, which marched
from the state of New Hampshire June 29, 1777 under command of
Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Heald, to reinforce the garrison in
Ticonderoga included: Salmon Stone, Captain; Othniel Thomas,
lieutenant; Samuel Tarbell, ensign; Thaddeus Fitch, quartermaster;
Edward Jewett, sergeant; John Demary, sergeant; Jonathan Sawtell,
Sergeant; Samuel Russell, Corporal; and privates, Hezekiah Hubbard,
Enos Lake, Simon Davis, Daniel Lake Esq., Jacob GOuld,
lieutenant; Ebnezer Newman, Corp; Oliver Gould, Lemuel Page fifer,
Samuel Stanley, Paul Fitch, Solomon Cutler, captain; Henry Lake,
John Demary Jr., David Robbins, Samuel Chaplin, Samuel Walker,
David Hale, Reuben Russell, Silas Page, Joseph Platts Jr.,
Ezekiel Learned, Samuel Sherwin, Caleb Page, Caleb Ingalls and
Abel Platts.
 In July 3, 1777, Salmon Stone, Captain, wrote a letter stating that
soldiers were need at Ticonderoga, and that his company had been
dismissed the previous day, and requested assistance from the men of
Rindge.  The men that marched from Rindge with him included:
Salmon Stone, captain; Othniel Thomas, lieut; Ensign Tarbell;
Quartermaster Fitch, Sergeant Jewett, Lemuel Page, Henry Lake,
Enos Lake, SImon Davis, Paul Fitch, Samuel Russell, Caleb Ingalls,
Jonathan Ingalls, Jonathan Sawtell, John Demary Jr., Ebenezer Newman,
Samuel Walker, Joseph Platts Jr., Hezekiah Hubbard, Reuben Russell,
Samuel Sherwin and David Robbins.
 Capt. Josiah Brown of New Ipswich, who commanded the company that
responded to the alarm in May, had been home but a few days when the
second alarm was given. He immeidately raised another company, and by
forced marches reached Charlestown the last day of June or the 1st
day of July, the date of Capt. Stone's letter, he was overtaken by an
express bearing intelligence similiar to that received by the other
returning companies. Within ten miles of their home, this officer
and 26 of his men instantly turned about, and with the company from
RIndge, soon joined the retreating army near Rutland.  They were soon
discharged and returned after an absence of nearly one month. During
these rapid and unexpected movements in the field, the town and the
patriot cause sustained a severe loss in the capture of Colonel
Nathan Hale.
 Pay Roll of Capt. Salmon STone's Company in Col. Nichol's Regiment,
Gen'l Stark's Brigade raised out of the 14th Regiment of NH Militia,
Enoch Hale, Colonel, which company marched from Rindge in said
state July 1777 and joined the Northern Continental Army at
Bennington and Stillwater... as follows:  
 "Thaddeus Fitch, quartermaster of the regiment
  Salmon Stone, Capt.
  John Stanley, second Lieut.
  Abel Stone, sergeant advanced to ensign
  Privates: John Dean, Daniel Adams, William Davis, Benjamin Beals,
  Eliakim Darling, Amos Ingalls, Moses Hale Jr., Henry Lake,
  Ebenezer Perkins, Reuben Page, David Robinson, Jonathan Sawtell Jr.,
  Reuben Russell, Peter Webster, David Sherwin, Joseph Wilson
  and Henry Smith.
Pay Roll of Captain Daniel Rand's Company in Col. Daniel Moore's
Regiment of Volunteers in the state of NH, joined the Northern
Continental army under General Gates. Discharged at Saratoga
October 18, 1777 and allowed eight days to travel home, the
distance being one hundred and sixty miles.  This group included:
  Daniel Rand, Captain
  Nathaniel Thomas, sergt.
  Benjamin Beals, corporal
  Enos Lake, corporal
  Daniel Lake Jr., drummer
  Lemuel Page fifer
  Privates, Jacob Gould, Caleb Page, Jeremiah Russell, Solomon Rand,
  Caleb Winn, Henry Lake, Jonathan Lake, Samuel Chaplin, Reuben
  Russell, Ebenezer Shaw, Joshua Tyler, Amos Towne, Asa Wilkins,
  William Robbins and Hezekiah Wetherbee.  [Joel Russell and James
  Philbrick were in another company in the same regiment].
On the 3d of August John Handsome was killed at the outposts of the
army, and Isaac Leland died on the 3d of the following month.  The
former was thirty-four and the latter forty years of age.  
Daniel Russell, another COntinental soldier, was wounded severely at
the battle of Stillwater, from which he did not recover sufficiently
to be able to return to his company.
 James Crumbie was appointed lieutenant and assigned to Captain
Blodgett's company, in the Second Continental (or Col. Nathan Hale's)
Regiment in the autumn of 1776, or early in the following year.
He continued with his regiment until September 1st, when he received
an injury from a fall from his horse.
 April 3, 1777 the town voted to choose Richard Kimball moderator to
govern said meeting. They chose a committee to manage payment of
returning soldiers, and to do this they chose Capt. Solomon Cutler,
Ens. Salmon Stone, Page Norcross, Enoch Hale, Esqr., Capt. Francis
Towne, Lieut. Daniel Rand, and Edward Jewett (committee).
 Staff Role of Col. Enoch Hale's regiment of volunteers, which
regiment marched from the State of NH and joined the Continental Army
in Rhode Island, AUgust 1778. Two days are added to the time of
service for travel home after discharge at Rhode Island... the names
include Enoch Hale, Colonel; Joseph Parker, Major; Isaac Howe,
Adjutant; John Mellen, Quartermaster; Jonas Prescott, Surgeon;
and Simeon Gould, Sergeant Major.
 Dr. Prescott has recently settled in Rindge. Subsequently he removed
to Templeton Mass where he died after a successful practice of
many years.  In this regiment were 33 men from RIndge including
officers: Lieut. Samuel Tarbell, in Capt Cunningham's company;
Ensign Ezekiel Rand in Capt. Cunningham's company; Ensign John
Stanley in Capt. Twitchell's company; Jonathan Sawtell, sergt;
Nathaniel Thomas, Corp; Lemuel Page, fifer; privates; John Simonds,
John Gray, Ezekial Learned, Samuel Russell, Samuel Page, David Robbins,
Samuel Walker, Benjamin Carlton, Reuben Page, Timothy Wood,
Jeremiah Norcross, Solomon Rand, William Russell, Hezekiah Sawtell,
John Demary, Joseph Platts, Samuel Stanley, William Carlton,
Ebenezer Platts, Thaddeus Fitch, Joseph Stanley, Henry Lake,
Amos Towne, John Emery and Ephraim Holden.
 Another regiment in this expedition, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel
Stephen Peabody, which remained in the service until the following
December included three soldiers, Abel Platts Jr., and two others
from this town.  Other soldiers were--Abel Jewett, Peter Webster,
David Robinson, J. Sawtells Jr., Abel Kimball, Simeon Bruce, J. Lake,
B. Dwinnel, Thos. Demary, Ebenezer Platts, Ensign Daniel Adams,
Barbanas Carey, John Buswell, Jas. Phillbrick, Amos Ingalls,
Joshua Hale, Samuel Walker, Benj. Beals, and Caleb Page.

In the late great war, the town faithfully responded, and her quota
under all calls was promptly filled. She furnished, aside from
her several hundred soldiers, $30,000 in bounties and $1,000
disbursed by the war committee, not assumed by the state. The following
is a list of those who were in the service: George W. Cragin,
Henry E. Burritt, Henry E. Ballou, Oliver S. White, Albert S. Murphy,
Hercules W. Raymond, Charles Brown, Otave Demone, Horace C. Bennett,
Oscar L. Converse, George W. Cragin, Andrew S. Ballou, Ambrose Butler,
Henry E. Burritt, Morton E. Converse, Cyrus J. Clapp, George M. Cram,
Augustus A. Chamberlain, Henry H. Davis, John A. Durant,
Christopher C. Demary, James Fitz, Charles F. Gibson, Paul Greenleaf,
John Hecker, Erastus D. Hall, John W. Hastings, Joshua T. Hunt,
Jairus W. Hodge, George S. Kimball, Howard Rand, William H. Rugg,
E.F. Rice, John I. Reynolds, James E. Richardson, Justin S. Richardson,
Henry H Sherwin, Nathan Smith, Walter W. Smith, Willard Simonds,
Edward P. Stratton, David Stowe, J. Shaffee, Thomas R. Todd,
George A. Whitney, Thomas S. Whitney, William L. Whitney,
Leonard P. Wellington, Almon F. Nutting, James W. Russell,
George Allen, Charles B. Brooks, Samuel W. Fletcher, William A. Kemp,
George F. Gilmore, George Stearns, Julius Stratton, Charles W. Symonds,
Marshall P. Wood, James B. Perry, Marion W. Converse, Darwin A. Smith,
John L. Webster, Sargent A. Webster, George W. Lawrence,
Wm. H. Parsons, Reuben A. Buzzell.
 [The original document includes the names of those who furnished
subsitutes, but that list is not included here].
 Four surgeons from this town were in the service--Dr. J. Homer
Darling, Dr. George B. Jewett, Dr. Josiah Abbott and Dr. George J.
[Selectmen of the town during this period, found in the original
document, are not included here].


DR. WALTON H. ALDRICH, son of George H., now of Troy NH, was born in
Swanzey July 2, 1854. After graduating from the high school in Troy,
he entered the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and Mechanic
Arts, and graduated in April 1875. After taking one course of
medical lectures at the Darmouth Medical college, he commenced
reading medicine, which he followed three years. He graduated from
the University Medical College of New York City, receiving his diploma
in February 1880. He then commenced practice in Gilsum, remaining there
eighteen months, when he removed to Rindge Center, where he now
resides, having been very successful thus far as a physician. He
married Ella J. Wilder, of Peterboro [sic Peterborough] NH in OCtober,

JOEL R. BIXBY, a native of this town, first settled upon a farm on
road 51. He married Susan White of Hillsboro NH, and reared a family
of twelve children.  His son, AARON B. BIXBY married twice, first,
Melissa A. Wyman, and second, Hattie E. Booth, of Ashby NH. He has
five children living, and is a stone mason by trade.

EBENEZER BLAKE, son of Eleazer, married twice, first, Hepsibeth,
daughter of Amos Jewett, and second, widow of James S. Watson,
daughter of Charles and Cloe (Mercy) Broman. He at one time occupied
the farm formerly woned by his father, on the shore of Long pond, on
road 54, but finally settled upon a farm in West Rindge, on road 26.
He held the office of justice of the peace for many years, and took
a lively interest in town affairs. From him the village of
Blakeville took its name. He died April 8, 1883. His widow was the
granddaughter of JOHN BROMAN, who came to this country from Germany,
about 1770. He engaged in the English service in the Revolutionary war,
served two years, and then joined the American forces. He married
Elizabeth Sargent (Mrs. E.S. Blake) of Leicester, Mass, who bore him
two children. Charles Broman had two sons, Aaron M. and Charles M.
who served in the war of the Rebellion [Civil War].

REV. AMOS WOOD BURNHAM, D.D., was a son of Deacon Samuel and Mary
(Perkins) Burnham, and was born in Dunbarton NH, August 1, 1791.
He entered Dartmouth College in 1811, and having maintained an
honorable standing, was graduated in 1815. He studied theology at
Andover, and in 1818 was licensed to preach. He was preceptor of the
Blanchard academy at Pembroke NH, an institution which owed its
origin to his brother, Rev. Dr. Abraham Burnham.  In 1821, while
journeying from Andover to Vermont, Mr. Burnham visited Rindge for
the first time and accepted an invitation to preach on the following
Sabbath. The result was a change in his plans, for instead of going to
Vermont, as he had contemplated, he accepted a call from the First
Congregational church at Rindge, and here he labored continuously
for forty-six years, ending November 14, 1867. Within the first year
after his ordination, forty-eight persons were added to the
membership of the church, and during his entire pastorate, five
hundred and sixteen admissions are recorded, and nearly as many
baptisms.  Mr. Burnham was in stature a little below medium, of light
complexion, with a clear blue eye, expressive of unalloyed kindness
and sensibility.  An unassuming and courteous demeanor marked his
intercourse with his fellowmen. With him there was no affectation.
He was a minister in the pulpit and out of it. He enjoyed innocent
humor with keen relish, but never lowered himself beneath the line of
graceful and serene dignity. In theological views he was of the
old-school New England stamp, clear and steadfast, yet candid and
constant. He was remarkable for his thorough and familiar knowledge of
the Scripture, and was never at a loss for an appropriate quotation
on any occasion.. [more in original document, only excerpts continued
here]. Dr. Burnham was a frequent contributor to the religious press.
He represented the town in the legislature in the years 1854 and
1855. He received his degree of Doctor of Divinity from Dartmouth
college in 1858. He died at the residence of his daughter, in Keene,
April 9, 1871. His widow is now a resident of Keene.

REUBEN A. BUZZELL, son of Benjamin Buzzell, of Rumney NH, married
ELiza C., daughter of John and Anna Cook, and seved in the war of
the Rebellion, enlisting in August 1865, in the Veteran Reserve
Corps. His son, WILLIAM M. resides at home with his father in East

JOSHUA CHADWICK, a soldier of the Revolution, came here from
Andover, Mass., about 1750, and was the first settler upon a farm on
road 5. His son, JOSHUA remained here upon the same farm until his
death.  ISAAC CHADWICK, son of Joshua Jr. married Betsey Foster and
returned to the old homestead, thus making the third generation
which had resided thereon.  His son ABNER F. married twice, first,
ELiza Berthof, and second, Harriet E. Ward, and now resides on road
35.  Charles I., son of Abner F., married Harriet M., daughter of
Ira and Susan Converse.  He was a soldier of the Rebellion [Civil War]
enlisting September 9, 1861 in Co. I, 26th Mass Vols, and was
transferred to the regular army, as a special messenger under
Generals Hancock, Sickles and Canby. He was honorable discharged and
now resides in this town, on road 35.

THOMAS DANFORTH, a native of Bellerica [sic Billerica] Mass, married
Abigail, daughter of Josiah and Abigail H. Davis, and finally came to
Rindge. His son BENJAMIN F. married Lydia, daughter of Jonathan and
Abigail D. Cass, of Candia NH, and resides on road 47. His son,
BENJAMIN F. DANFORTH married Sarah M., daughter of Capt. James and
Elizabeth Rhodes, of Grafton, Vt., had born to him three children now
living, and resides on road 45. His son, JAMES R., is now at home with
his father.

LUCIUS CONVERSE, son of JOSHUA, married Cynthia, daughter of Solomon
and Olive Sawtell, of this town, April 12, 1827, and had born to him
twelve children, seven of whom are now living.  He settled upon a
farm on road 53, where he remained until his death.  OBADIAH SARTWELL,
grandfather of Mrs. Lucius Converse, was an early settler of the town,
and her father was a soldier in the Revolution.

CAPTAIN EBENEZER H. CONVERSE married twice, first, October 8, 1835,
Sarah, daughter of Jewett B. and Hannah (Murdock) Darling of
Winchendon, who bore him four children, and second, Harriet E.,
daughter of James L. and Harriet Dearborn of Nashua NH. He was four
years an officer of the Rindge Light Infantry, and commanded the
company in 1836 and 1837. Enjoying the confidence of his townsmen,
he easily and promptly raised a company for the 6th NH Vols, in the
autumn of 1861, of which he was commissioned captain, and of which
he continued in command until his resignation, the following year.
He now resides in Converseville.

GEORGE W. CRAGIN was the first man from this town who enlisted in
the war of the Rebellion [Civil War]. He enlisted three times, was
in forty-two battles and skirmishes and returned without a wound.

JOHN DANFORTH, one of the three children of John Danforth Sr., who
was a native of this town, married Sophia Haynes of Waltham, Mass.,
who bore him three children.  His son CHARLES H. married Roxana,
daughter of John and Sarah (Tripp) Haley, of Hiram, Me., has one
daughter, and resides upon a farm on road 44.  He was a soldier in the
war of the Rebellion, enlisting in 1862, served one year, and was
honorably discharged.

JOHN EARL [note document states "EARL" but this is possibly "ELLIS" based on the 1790 US Census of Richmond NH], of English descent,
first settled upon a farm on road 39, in 1773. He married Rebecca
Page of Groton, Mass, July 7, 1773, reared a family of nine children,
and remained here until his death, which occurred in 1803. His
seventh daughter, Hepzibah, [Hepzibeth in the census] married Josiah
Stratton, of Rindge,and reared a family of six children.  Their son,
Josiah Stratton Jr. married Mary, daughter of James and Parna W.
Bennett, and settled on the old homestead, where he remained for
fifty years, when he removed to a farm on road 30, where he now
resides.  They have one child, Rodney J., now of Waltham, Mass.
[Additional note, In 1850, a "Calle Earl" female, age 59, is living in the household of Addison M. Wood and his wife Nabby.  In earlier
censuses I cannot find John Earl, however I find several other EARL
families in the region, along with ELLIS families]. [Also, is this
possibly the John Eills, sic, who signed the Association test?]

JOHN EMORY [or EMERY], a native of Topsfield, Mass, married Elizabeth
Perkins, came to this town in 1771, and settled in the southwestern
part. WARREN W. EMORY, who married Caroline Lake, is a descendant of
John. He has been town clerk since 1868, and is also town treasurer.
[Note, according to the 1850 US Census, Warren Emory, shown as Warren
P. Emory in the census, was the son of Erastus W. & Mary Emory of
Rindge NH. Warren had siblings, Julia A (age 19), Eliza J. (age 15),
Albert A. (age 7), and Marianna (age 2).  In some of the early census records, the last name is spelled EMERY; in addition some of the
genealogies I have reviewed show John Emery b 9 Sep 1750 in Boxford,
MA to Stephen & Deliverance (Styles) Emery].

LUTHER GODDARD, son of Edward, married Polly Forbush, of Athol, Mass.,
and located on road 31, in 1824, where he remained until his death,
April 26, 1858. His son, Martin S., married Louisa D. Bill, of
GIlsum, reared a family of four children, and resides upon a farm on
road 36. He has been selectman nine years, justice of the peace
ten years, and town treasurer four years.

MOSES HALE, son of Captain Thomas Hale, was the first settler upon
the farm where Julius A. Hale now resides, on road 15. MOSES JR.
served in Stark's brigade in 1777, being at that time but seventeen
years of age. He married Abigail Emerson of Hempstead NH, and reared
a family of four children. He was appointed coroner of this county,
and was subsequently elected county treasurer.  MOSES, son of MOSES JR.
married Hepsibeth Towne, of Andover, Mass., and resided uopn the farm
where Julius A. Hale now lives.  NATHAN, son of MOSES JR. married
Sarah Whitcomb, and reared a family of thirteen children. His son,
OLIVER married twice, first, Harriet Demary, and second, Nancy Sloan,
and had born to him seven children. His son, CHESTER O., married
Edelia Stewart, of Montague, Mass., and resides on the home farm.
NATHAN A. HALE, son of Nathan, married Mersylvia, daughter of Arid
Godding, who bore him seven children.  He is a farmer and first
selectman of the town, and resides on road 14.  JULIUS A. HALE married
Eliza Perry, has ten children, and is a successful farmer on road 15.
This farm has been owned by members of the Hale family, without
interruption, since the first settlement of the town.  STEPHEN HALE
married twice, first, Jane Hubbard, second, Kate Carter, of Boston,
and now resides on road 28.

SAMUEL J. HARDISEN, son of Nathaniel, a pensioner of the war of 1812,
married Louisa, daughter of Benjamin and Nabbie Hastings, November 28,
1844, and had borne to him three children. He now resides in this
town, upon a farm on road 20.

THOMAS J. HILL, son of John B., came here, from Sheppard, Canada,
has married twice, first, Elizabeth Barlett, and second, Isabella
Carter, of SHeppard, Canada. He has reared a family of five children,
and is located upon a farm on road 11.

NATHAN HUBBARD came here from Groton MA in 1772 and was the first
settler upon the farm known as the Hubbard Place, on Hubbard hill.
He married Mary Patterson, and reared a family of ten children.
DEACON HEZEKIAH HUBBARD, brother of Nathan, settled upon a portion
of the same farm in 1783. His son LEVI married Betsey, daughter of
Joseph Smith, who bore him one child, JOSEPH.  The latter married
Rebecca C., daughter of John and Susan Twitchell of Dublin NH, in
1851, and now resides upon the home farm.  HEZEKIAH, son of Nathan,
married Rebecca, daughter of Benjamin and Rebecca Hutchinson of
Bedford, Mass, and reared a family of thirteen children. His son,
ELIPHALET married Betsey, daughter of Hezekiah Sawtell, a soldier of
the Revolution, and has always resided in town.  His daughter,
SARAH R., married Ephraim F. Towns, and now resides at Rindge Center.
OTIS, brother of Eliphalet, now occupies the home farm, on Hubbard
hill, with his sister, Mersilva.

JOSHUA HUNT, the eldest of the eight children of Joshua and Olive
(Chamberlain) Hunt, came here, from Chelsmford, Mass, married Lucia,
daughter of Joshua and Tabitha Todd, and reared a family of four
children. He first occupied a farm on road 14, but finally located on
road 40, where he remained until his death, July 14, 1863. His eldest
son, JOSHUA, married Carrie R., daughter of Emery and Rebecca Hayward,
of Mendon, Mass, who bored him one child, and resides on road 14.
He was a musician in the war of the Rebellion, and was honorably
discharged October 25, 1862. His wife died December 8, 1880.

ASA JONES, of Welch descent, married Mary, daughter of George and
Eunice B. Martin and reared a family of fourteen children. His son
ASA married Rachel Saunders of Jaffrey, who bore him seven children.
He located upon the farm whre George Wilson now resides, on road 50,
and was a life long resident of the town.  SAMUEL, son of Asa Jr.,
married Angennette, daughter of Joshua and Sally Davis of Charlton,
Mass, has ten children and resides on road 28.

RICHARD KIMBALL, a Methodist minister for many years, came here from
Natick, Mass in 1808, and located upon a farm where Mr. Leighton now
resides, on road 20.  He married Sarah McIntire, of Natick, Mass.,
and reared a family of eleven children.  His son SAMUEL M. KIMBALL
married Melinda, daughter of Elipha Pierce, have six children now
living, and resided in this town on road 20.  His son, ELIPHA S.
married Sarah M., daughter of Asa and Melinda (Emerson) Stickney,
and now resides in the village of West Rindge.  GEORGE E., son of
Samuel M., married Mrs. Charlotte S. Adams, daughter of Eliphaz Allen,
has one son, WARREN E., and resides on the homestead.  WARREN S.,
son of Samuel M., married twice, first, Emily F., daughter of Joseph
Davis, and second, Lucia O., daughter of William and Lucy (Richardson)
Austin, of Gardner, Mass, and resides in the village of West Rindge.
Ruthy Kimball, aged ninety years, is one of the oldest persons in

BYRON D. LEIGHTON, was a son of Thomas Leighton, of Strafford NH,
who died in June, 1861. He married Adaline Payton, of Paris KY,
December 29, 1863, and reared a family of six children, all living.
He enlisted in 1862 in Company I., 9th NH Vols, served three years,
was severely wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor, VA, and was
honorable discharged. He is a resident of Rindge Center.

NATHANIEL LOWELL, a soldier of the Revoltuion, came here from
Rowley, Mass, about the year 1778, and settled upon the farm where
W.S. Brooks now lives, on road 46.  He remained here until the time
of his death, which occurred August 23, 1832.  His daughter,
Mrs. Lucinda Lawrence, survives him.

FRANCIS MAXWELL, a son of Francis B., and residing in New Ipswich,
married Lydia, daughter of Aaron Brown of Groton, Mass, and reared
a family of five children, now living. His son, GEORGE J., married
Sarah A. Burnap of Ashburnham, Mass, has one child, and resides in
this town on road 32.

JAMES B. McGREGOR, son of Alexander, and a native of Glasgow,
Scotland, came here from Plymouth, Mass in 1870, and located upon a
farm off road 49, where he now resides. He married Elizabeth Geddes,
of Glasgow, Scotland, in 1852, and has four children.

CHARLES H. MILLER, son of ELijah F., who was born in Massachusetts,
married Jennie M., daughter of Clement and Margaret Tatro, has two
children, and resides in the village of East Rindge. CLEMENT TATRO SR.
was the first settler upon the farm where Eugene Leclair now resides,
on road 50.

FRANCIS J. MORLOCK, son of Barnard, came from Germany in 1848, and
married Jane Daverin, of Paisley, Scotland, who came here in 1845.
He reared a family of ten children, and resides in this town on road
12. He was a soldier in the late war, serving three years in Co. F,
10th NH Vols.

JOHN PERRY, of Lincoln, Mass, came here in 1789, and settled in the
northeastern part of this town, on road 31, where he remained until
his death, August 7, 1834, aged eighty years. He married twice, first,
Persis Mixer, of Watertown, Mass., and second, Abigail Bigelow of
Marlboro, and reared a family of twelve children. His youngest son,
JASON B. PERRY married Sally, daughter of Major and Sally Wilson,
of New Ipswich, reared a family of nine children, and settled upon
the home farm.  His youngest son, JASON S. PERRY, married Elsie A.,
daughter of Joel and Sarah Page, of Fitchburg, Mass., and has four
children, all residing on the home farm, being the fourth generation
there at the present time.

AMOS RAMSDELL, a native of Dedham, Mass, was a carpenter and a
resident of Boston for many years. He moved to New Ipswich NH, but
finally located in Rindge, where he remained until his death,
December 17, 1852, aged eighty-five years.  His son, REUBEN RAMSDELL
married Lovina, daughter of Joshua and Polly Converse, of this town,
and has one daughter, and resides in the village of East Rindge.

ABIJAH RICE, came here from New Ipswich about 1841, and located upon,
a farm off road 34, where he remained until his death, August 18, 1865.
HARRISON G. RICE, one of his eleven children, married Elizabeth H.,
daughter of David and Mary Wood, had born to him eleven children,
and now resides in the village of East Rindge.  His son, GEORGE G.
married Martha F., daughter of John and Rebecca Hale, in 1873, who
bore him two children, and now resides on the home farm of his

THOMAS RUGG JR. married Elizabeth M., daughter of Lieutenant P.
Norcross, June 6, 1787, and settled with his wife's parents upon a
farm on road 47, now a part of the Nathan Woodbury estate.  When a
mere lad he entered the Revolutionary war, and remained in the service
until its close. His son, LUKE RUGG married Cynthia Platts of Rindge,
settled upon the homestead farm and has three children now living.
His won, WARHAM H. RUGG married Eliza A., daughter of Ebenezer and
Eliza Brown, of this town, and now resides on the home farm.

NATHANIEL RUSSELL was born in Littleton, Mass., December 27, 1733,
married Abigail Goldsmith, who bore him three children. The
family removed to this town in 1762.  He was the first town clerk,
the first contable, and the first lawyer in town, and few men have
exercised here an equal influence in public affairs.  His son,
SIMEON RUSSELL married Martha, daughter of Jeremiah Russell, reared
a family of four children, and lived here on the homestead until his
death, January 14, 1853.  His son, HENRY married Almira, daughter of
Lloyd B. and Lydia Burt, of Killingley, Conn., has two children,
and now resides in the village of East Rindge.  SUMNER, son of
Simeon, married Anna Wilson, of Carlisle, Mass., has two children,
and resides upon a farm on road 32.  His son, JOHN H. married
Mary E. Battles of Sudbury, Mass, and has four children now living,
viz: Fred T., Charles S., John E. and Archie R.  

DR. IRA RUSSELL, of Winchendon, Mass, son of Eliakim and Sarah
(Converse) Russell, of English and Hugeunot descent, was born in
Rindge NH November 9, 1815. He graduated from Dartmouth in 1841,
and from the Medical College of the University of New York, in 1844.
He first located at Winchendon, Mass, removed to Natick in 1853,
where he remained until the breaking out of the war.  At its close
he returned to Natick, remaining there until 1867, when he settled
again at Winchendon. He is a member of the Massachusetts Medical
Society, of the American Medical Association, and Association of
Superintendents of American Insane Asylums, New England Psychological
Society, Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society, and is superintendent
of the Family Home for the treatment of mental and nervous diseases.
Among his contributions to medical literature are statements of the
results of a series of investigations into the diseases and physical
peculiarities of the negro race, obtained while in the army, from
over six hundred autopsies made of white and colored soldiers,
refugees and contrabands, carefully noting the conditions of all the
organs, weighing over four hundred brains, besides lungs, hearts,
livers, spleens, pancreas and kidneys, and measuring the intestines.
These papers were published in the "Medical, Sanitary, and Surgical
History of the War," and in "Flint's System of Physiology." He has
also written 'Observations and Post-mortem Results in Cerebro Spinal
Meningitis,' in the "St. Louis Medical Journal."  "Spurious
Vaccination," "Pleuro-Pneumonia," and "Sequelae of Measles," in
"Medical and Surgical History of the War," etc.  In 1861 he was
commmissioned surgeon of the 11th Massachusetts Vols., and in
April 1862, brigade surgeon (surg. U.S. Vols) and assigned to duty
in Gen. Hooker's division at Yorktown, subsequently ordered to
Baltimore and organized the Jarvis hospital; in November following,
he was ordered to St. Louis, in charge of the Dawson Hospital; in
December he was appointed medical director of northwestern Arkansas,
and in February 1863, was placedin charge of the general and post
hospitals at Benton barracks, St. Louis. In December 1864, he
organized the Wilson Hospital, at Nashville, where he remained until
the close of the war.  In 1865 he was brevetted lieutenant-colonel,
for meritorious services.  In 1844 he married Rowena Greenwood, of
Winchendon, Mass., who died in 1875, leaving two children, Rowena M.
and Dorothea.  In September 1876, Ira married Josephine A., daughter
of Joseph Lees, of Winchendon, Mass. He has been very successful in
the treatment of mental and nervous diseases, and has established a
popular retreat at Winchendon, called "The Higlands," [sic Highlands]
which is made the subject of the accompanying illustration. This
"Family Home" is conducted by the Doctor and his son, Dr. Frederick
W. Russell, both of whom have made the study and treatment of
mental and nervous diseases, physical and nervous exhaustion,
opium and alcoholic inebriety a specialty. The Home is not an
institution or asylum. It is to all intents and purposes a "Family
Home," where everything is made as homelike as possible.  Patients
are not subjected to the care of common nurses, but are provided with
companions. Intelligent gentlemen are employed as attendants and
companions of the male patients and educated American women of
experience are the attendants and companions of the lady patients.
The feeling of social degredation that is commonly felt by patients in
retreats and public institutions, who are subjected to the control of
uncultivated nurses, is not experienced here. The utmost possible
liberty is permitted, under suitable guardianship, to all the patients,
and each one is regarded and treated as a member of a private family.
Each case received attention and study given to private practice,
and when needed the ablest medical talent in the country is called
into consultation. The Highlands, so-called, is a pleasant mansion
with cottages annexed, situated in the midst of ample grounds, on an
eminence overlooking the town of Winchendon and the valley of
Miller's river.  From the windows a superb range of hills and
mountains can be seen, reaching from Wachusett in the southeast to
Monadnock in the northwest. The drives in the vicinity are considered
delightful, and for healthfulness of location the Highlands are
unsurpassed. Dr. Ira Russell is the founder and superintendent of
the Home; Dr. F.W. Russell, the assistant superintendent.

JAMES SIMONDS married Hannah Woods, had born to him six children, and
resided in Groton, Mass. His son JAMES W. married Lizzie Miller, of
East Rindge, and settled upon a farm in this town, on road 55,
where he now resides.  He enlisted in the war of the Rebellion,
in 1861, and served under Capt. E. Converse, in Co. K, 6th NH Vols.

CAPT. FREEBORN STEARNS married Clarissa Demara, reared a family of
fourteen children, was long a resident of this town, and died at the
age of eighty-five years.  His son, CHARLES F. STEARNS was born here,
married Julia A., daughter of Erastus and Polly Emory, reared a family
of seven children, all now living, and has always resided in town.
His son WILLIE E. STEARNS married Sarah A., daughter of THomas A. and
Lois A. Stearns, of Jaffrey, and resides in this town on road 39.

WILLIAM STICKNEY, a native of England, was the third son of Joseph
and Ann (Sloss) Stickney, who had seven children, and moved with his
parents to New Ipswich, and married there Jane Fletcher, April 8,
1770. Her father, Simon Fletcher, was killed, September 7, 1773, at the
raising of the Wilton meeting-house.  William Stickney moved to
Rindge about 1790, and located upon a farm on road 26, where he
remained until his death, June 17, 1839.  His son William married
Amy Peat, who bore him eight children. His son ASA married Malina
Emerson, and settled upon a farm on the corner of roads 26 and 27.
He is eighty-four years of age and his wife is eighty-two. THeir
son, Charles E., married Mary THomas and now resides on the home farm.

ELBRIDGE G. TARBOX, was, at one time, a shoe manufacturer, on road 35,
but finally removed to Jaffrey. He served four years as assistant
surgeon in the war for the Rebellion [Civil War]. His son, EDWARD A.
married Esther L. Heath, of Gilsum, and now resides in this town,
on road 13.

JOHN THRASHER, a native of Grantham NH, married Betsey Walker and
reared a family of six children. He was a brick and stone mason,
contractor, and a lawyer. His son, SAMUEL P. THRASHER married Ann W.,
daughter of James Haven, of Newport, had born to him thirteen
children, all living, and was a brick and stone mason and contractor.
His fifth son, NED, married Emma L., daughter of Dana S. and Mary
(Perry) Walker, has three children, and resides in the village of
Rindge Center.

FRANCIS TOWNE was a native of TOpsfield, Mass, a captain in the French
and Indian wars, and married Phebe Towne.  His son, JOSHUA TOWNE
married Hulda Chadwick of Jaffrey NH.  His daughter, MARY L. TOWNE
married Levi Russell, November 31, 1839 and they are now residents
of West Rindge.  LEVI RUSSELL was the grandson of Nathaniel Russell
who was the first town clerk and first lawyer in the town of

Posted : 20/06/2015 9:05 am