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An old one from NH Bob

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A rare opportunity
I have had the opportunity to do what I call mini Field tests on several Metal Detecting machine. Namely the MXT, Cortes, T2 and the F75.
Streeter Electronics made this offer to me knowing full well that each machine that he let me take can now only be sold as a used machine. A great loss to Mr. Streeter for the time being. Hopefully the tests, Article and posts that have been made on several forums will spur a few new purchases.
Lets start with the Cortes, a pricy little machine but a great second machine for the seasoned hunter or a primary machine for the coin shooter and relic hunter. The Cortes is a monotone machine that works a lot like the Shadow X3 & X5. Light weight and easy to run. Target ID seems pretty accurate. Also has guts enough to reach those old coins everyone hopes to find. 
The Cortes is a knob and toggle machine which makes it more of a hands on machine. A feature that I like. GB is a tad touchy but with time becomes a snap.
On a scale of 1-10, I would give the Cortes a 7. Reason? Because it takes 8 AA Batteries (I’m cheap) and the print out under the Disc. Screen is a tad too small for my old eyes.
The MXT… To be honest with you all out there in detector land. This is the first Whites I have ever picked up. And you know what ? I like it.
This machine is right up my ally. I love knobs and toggles over plastic dimple type buttons. I found the MXT with its large coil, Depth, Sensitivity and very short learning curve to be a pleasure to hunt with. Set up and GB is also as easy as 1 2 3. I was asked to try one of Whites other machines like the DFX OR M6. But I can only expect Mr. Streeter to bend only so far. He has already extended himself in these few tests. I think the M6 is another machine that would interest me. Although I must be careful with these Whites. I noticed that about 4 hours into the field test with the MXT I started walking like Dave G………….. God forbid.
I rate the MXT on a scale of 1-10 as an 8 1/2. Reason ? I could not find anything to complain about except the weight on an all day hunt.
How about the T2 ? Well, I’ve waited a long time to put my sticky little fingers on one of those. Finally the chance came and I took full advantage of it. This machine is well balanced and light weight. A machine you can hunt all day long with. It has a coil that would make a Yeti jealous. Your entire menu is right before your very eyes. One button and two knobs. Don’t seem like enough to do all the settings with, but it is.
Very simple setup and GB with many options if you decide to experiment. The T2 is a great field machine as speed of sweep is a plus for this unit. The faster you swing the deeper you go. Hard to believe now isn’t it? But facts are facts. The T2 is so easy to use that I invited a man here from the coast to hunt with me. His name is Paul. We met at a diner and had breakfast and when we were ready to go hunting for the day. Paul puts all his stuff in my truck with the exception of his machine. I asked him if he forgot anything and his reply was “ I’ve heard so much about that T2 you are testing that I am going to use that today” Well, that set me back for a minute, then I said I can only let you use it for a short time unless you plan on owning it. He said to me without twitching an eye “That’s exactly what I’m going to do, own it” .
  Paul found 2 King George coppers that day and the rest of us found time to take in some sun. AND, He never used a T2 before that day.    On a scale of 1-10 I would rate the T2 a 9+. Reason ? Because there's got to be a 10 out there some where.
OK, The F75. I think maybe we have a 10 here and I don’t mean Brook Shields. I just got through testing the F75 and found it to be all the T2 was and more. It has an updated system that makes the unit more user friendly. Unlike the T2, the F75 remembers your last settings which is a time saver in itself. GB is as easy as the T2 and both machines boast of depths as deep as 15 to 18 inches. This of course is under ideal conditions. Again the menu is before you at all times and adjustments can be made on the fly.
I took the F75 to a field that has been pounded over and over many times. My results was amazing. I walked over an area that is hunted by everyone that enters the field. Bang, Button. Bang Large cent, Bang button. A trash signal will not repeat after turning 90*. This is pretty much standard. But also with the F75 and T2 the trash signal will also fade with repeated swings over it. Or some trash will not even give a visual ID.
You can run in all metal or Disc. Mode With Disc. Mode you have the option of 1-2-3-4-Delta and a few other tones. I like 3 tones when running in Disc. Mode set at 0. Low tone = iron, mid tone = pull tab range and high tone for all us coins. I think we have a winner here. NH Bob

Posted : 16/10/2016 9:45 am